
We provide an overview of the concepts used within dman. First some common terminology is defined. Then we show common examples on how to create objects that dman can handle. Afterwards we describe how file paths are determined in dman, both with respect to the root of the file hierarchy and relative paths used within.


When reading through dman documentation and code you will see the following terms occur frequently:

  • serializable: An object that can be turned into a json serializable type and back.

  • storable: An object that has a __write__ and __read__ method that enables storing tp and loading from a file.

  • record: Wraps a storable in a serializable type. Contains a pointer to the file when serialized.

  • model: Models extend standard python containers to support storable types.

    • modelclass extends a dataclass.

    • mlist extends a list and smlist is its storable equivalent.

    • mdict extends a dict and smdict is its storable equivalent.

    • mruns acts like mlist but generates file names automatically (e.g. run-0, run-1, …).

Creating Objects

When using dman you will tend to create objects in two main ways. Either using a modelclass or using storables. The first type extends a dataclass and supports storable types as fields.

class Address:
    street: str
    number: int
    zip_code: int
    city: str
    country: str

The second is usually reserved for more complex object (e.g. dman.numeric.barray) and allows storing objects in files directly.

class Person:
    __ext__ = '.person'   # specifies file extension (.sto by default)
    def __init__(self, name: str): = name
    def __write__(self, path: str):
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
    def __read__(cls, path: str):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            return cls(


A modelclass decorator can also be used to create storable types.

@dman.modelclass(name='address', storable=True)

Saving and Loading

We can save and load (or both) using save, load and track. To do so dman needs to determine the root of the file hierarchy. This is always done in the same way based on the arguments passed to the functions

<base>/<generator>/<subdir>/<key>/<key>.json    (cluster=True)
<base>/<generator>/<subdir>/<key>.json          (cluster=False)

For a script located in <workspace>/examples/ the arguments have the following defaults

  • base: <workspace>/.dman (.dman should exist in a parent folder).

  • generator: cache/examples:script (path relative to .dman).

  • subdir: ''

The key should always be provided and when cluster is n True a separate subfolder is created ‘clustering’ the files associated with the key. Some examples are:

# <workspace>/.dman/cache/examples:script/fib/fib.json'fib', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8])
# <workspace>/.dman/cache/examples:script/fib.json'fib', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], cluster=False)
# <workspace>/.dman/example/fib.json'fib', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], generator='example')
# /tmp/cache/examples:script/fib.json'fib', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8], base='/tmp')


When the root of the file hierarchy is determined you can use a record to specify relative paths as follows:

<subdir>/<stem><suffix>   (using stem and/or suffix)
<subdir>/<name>           (using name)

These arguments can be accessed directly when creating a record:

# ./john.person
dman.record(Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john')
dman.record(Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john', suffix='.person')
dman.record(Person(name='John Silver'), name='john.person')
# ./people/john.person
dman.record(Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john.person', subdir='people')

Since model types use a record internally you tend to be able to configure them manually:

# ./john.person
dman.mdict().record('john', Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john')
dman.mlist().record(Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john')
dman.mlist([1, 2]).record(1, Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john')
dman.mruns().record(1, Person(name='John Silver'), stem='john')

class Individual:
    person: Person = dman.recordfield(stem='john')
    address: Address

Both mdict and mruns provide some options that can customize how records are created by default internally.

# ./people/john/john.person
dct = dman.mdict(subdir='people', store_by_key=True, store_subdir=True)
dct['john'] = Person(name='John Silver')
# ./john/52338792-bbeb-46fb-a90e-c3da6261b011.person
dct = dman.mdict(store_by_key=False, store_subdir=True)
# ./john.person
dct = dman.mdict(store_by_key=True, store_subdir=False)
# ./people/employee-0/employee.person
runs = dman.mruns(stem='employee', subdir='people', store_subdir=True)
runs.append(Person(name='John Silver'))
# ./employee-0.person
runs = dman.mruns(stem='employee', store_subdir=False)
runs.append(Person(name='John Silver'))