
Contains utilities for creating storable types and to write and read from disk.


Get the storable type string.

dman.core.storables.register_storable(name: str, cls: Type[Any], *, write: Optional[Callable[[Any, Optional[BaseContext]], Any]] = None, read: Optional[Callable[[Any, Optional[BaseContext]], Any]] = None)[source]

Register a class as a storable type with a given name


Return the storable types dictionary.

dman.core.storables.get_custom_storable(cls: Type[Any], default=None)[source]

Get the signature of a custom storable object.

dman.core.storables.storable(cls=None, /, *, name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Make a class storable.

Returns the same class as was passed in and the class is registered as a storable type. Write and Read methods are added automatically if cls is a dataclass or a serializable type. Otherwise a __write__ and __read__ method should be provided for storing. If these are not provided conversion will fail.

See Defining Storables for detailed examples on how to create storable types.

  • cls – The class to convert.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the storable. Defaults to the name of the class.


ValueError – The class could not be made storable. Provide a __write__ and __read__ method.

exception dman.core.storables.WriteException[source]

Exception raised when a write of a storable fails.

exception dman.core.storables.ReadException[source]

Exception raised when a read of a storable fails.

dman.core.storables.write(storable, path: PathLike, context: Optional[BaseContext] = None)[source]

Write a storable to the specified path.

See Defining Storables for details on how to use this method.

  • storable – The storable instance to write

  • path (os.PathLike) – Target path

  • context (BaseContext, optional) – Context to pass to the __write__ method. Defaults to None. Union[str, Type], path: PathLike, context: Optional[BaseContext] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Read a storable from the specified path.

See Defining Storables for details on how to use this method.

  • type (Union[str, Type]) – The type (string) of the storable

  • path (os.PathLike) – The path from which to read

  • context (BaseContext, optional) – The context to pass to the __read__ method. Defaults to None.