Defining StorablesΒΆ

This example describes ways in which one can define storable objects.

Sometimes it is not feasible to serialize an object. For example large arrays in numpy. The dman framework supports such objects through storables. These should interface with the read and write methods as follows

import dman
dman.write(obj, 'obj.out')
assert(obj ==, 'obj.out'))

There are several ways to define storable types. We provide an overview here.

from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import os
import dman
import numpy as np

Manual DefinitionΒΆ

The first method is to define writing and reading behavior in the signature of the class.

class barray(np.ndarray):
    __ext__ = ".npy"

    def __write__(self, path):
        with open(path, "wb") as f:
  , self)

    def __read__(cls, path):
        with open(path, "rb") as f:
            res: np.ndarray = np.load(f)
            return res.view(cls)

The barray class is also provided in dman.numeric which can be imported when numpy is installed. We can use it as follows:

with TemporaryDirectory() as base:
    path = os.path.join(base, 'array.npy')
    dman.write(np.eye(3).view(barray), path)
    array =, path)
[[1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1.]]


Again, the specified name should be unique for all storables. It can be the same as a name of a serializable object. A name can also be automatically generated similar to serializable when it is left unspecified. The name can be used instead of the type when reading, which is used by the more complex objects in dman.'_num__barray', 'array.npy')

It is also possible to automatically produce storables from dataclasses or serializable objects. With both json is used to store the object, however with a dataclass we use the default asdict method to convert it to a dictionary, which only works for certain types of fields.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class DCLBasic:
    value: str

class SerBasic:
    value: str

Both types result in the same json file:

with TemporaryDirectory() as base:
    path = os.path.join(base, 'dcl.json')
    dman.write(DCLBasic(value='hello world!'), path)
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
    "value": "hello world!"


It is not recommended to create storables from dataclasses as above. Instead one should use the more powerful modelclass decorator with storable=True. The reason is that modelclass supports storables as fields, where this method does not. See Model Types for an overview of the modelclass decorator.

Registered DefinitionΒΆ

Similarly to serializable types you can also define a custom storable type without touching the original class. For a more complete example see Panda DataFrames.

class Frozen:
    def __init__(self, data: int): = data

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(data={})'

def _write_frozen(frozen: Frozen, path: os.PathLike):
    """Write frozen to disk."""
    with open(path, 'w') as f:

def _read_frozen(path: os.PathLike):
    """Read frozen from disk."""
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        return Frozen(int(


Creating Multiple FilesΒΆ

Advanced users might want to have storables create more than one file.


It is usually best to have a storable write to just one file. Whenever you require multiple classes then it is usually better to wrap them in a serializable class like the models provided by dman (e.g. mlist, mdict, modelclass). See Model Types for details.

If you do want to have storables create multiple files, this is possible, but you should do so in such a way that dman can safely keep track of the created files. We provide an example below.

class Multiple:
    def __init__(self, value: str, description: str):
        self.value = value
        self.description = description

    def __write__(self, path: os.PathLike, context: dman.Context):
        # The provided path always points to a specific file associated
        # with this storable. So you can use it for the main file.
        with open(path, 'w') as f:

        # For additional files however you need to use the ``context``
        # to keep track of them. You can do so as follows:
        with'description.txt', 'w') as f:

        # The context keeps track of the current directory to which writing
        # occurs. So you usually specify the path relative to it.

    def __read__(cls, path: os.PathLike, context: dman.Context):
        # Reading occurs similarly.
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            value =

        with'description.txt', 'r') as f:
            description =

        return cls(value, description)

    def __remove__(self, context: dman.Context):
        # Since ``dman`` also removes files when they are no longer tracked
        # you should define a ``__remove__`` method that deletes
        # any additional files you created. To do so you can use the provided
        # context again. The removal of the main file is handled by
        # the record.

We will show how to interact with the storable using a record here. For more information on how to use those see Using Records. To see when dman requires the __remove__ method to delete untracked files, see Model Types.

with TemporaryDirectory() as base:
    ctx = dman.Context.from_directory(base)     # we will need a context.

    # Create the storable and add it to a record.
    # The record will handle all path specifications automatically.
    mult = Multiple('John Snow', 'The name of the current user.')
    rec = dman.record(mult, stem='value')

    # We can store the file through serialization.
    ser = dman.serialize(rec, context=ctx)
    print('record data:')
    print('files:'), show_content=True)

    # Remove all files associated with the record
    dman.remove(rec, context=ctx)
    print('files after removal:'), show_content=True)
record data:
  "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
  "_ser__content": {
    "target": "value.sto",
    "sto_type": "Multiple"
πŸ“‚ /tmp/tmptmqggo3o
┣━━ πŸ“„ description.txt (29 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     The name of the current user.
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ πŸ“„ value.sto (9 bytes)
      John Snow
files after removal:
πŸ“‚ /tmp/tmptmqggo3o

To avoid having to manually use context and __remove__, which can likely cause errors we also show a similar implementation of the above. The above functionality can usually be avoided like this. We use a modelclass. Details on these can be found in Model Types.

# Create an atomic storable type, creating only one file.
class StringFile:
    def __init__(self, value: str):
        self.value = value

    def __write__(self, path):
        with open(path, 'w') as f:

    def __read__(cls, path):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            return cls(

# Automatically convert values to string files in a ``modelclass``.
dman.register_preset(StringFile, lambda s: StringFile(s))

# Create the modelclass that contains the atomic storable types.
@dman.modelclass(store_by_field=True, compact=True)
class Multiple:
    value: StringFile
    description: StringFile

We can now store the instance in a similar way to before, but now without requiring a record.

with TemporaryDirectory() as base:
    ctx = dman.Context.from_directory(base)     # we will need a context.

    # Create the modelclass.
    mult = Multiple('John Snow', 'The name of the current user.')

    # We can store the file through serialization.
    ser = dman.serialize(mult, context=ctx)
    print('the modelclass data:')
    print('files:'), show_content=True)

    # Remove all files associated with the modelclass
    dman.remove(mult, context=ctx)
    print('files after removal:'), show_content=True)
the modelclass data:
  "_ser__type": "Multiple",
  "_ser__content": {
    "value": {
      "target": "value.sto",
      "sto_type": "StringFile"
    "description": {
      "target": "description.sto",
      "sto_type": "StringFile"
πŸ“‚ /tmp/tmpq1i7x0ig
┣━━ πŸ“„ description.sto (29 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     The name of the current user.
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ πŸ“„ value.sto (9 bytes)
      John Snow
files after removal:
πŸ“‚ /tmp/tmpq1i7x0ig

The resulting files are also much more readable, since the modelclass now tells a user what the created files are associated to.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.023 seconds)

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