Using RecordsΒΆ

We show how to use records to serialize storables.

Basic usageΒΆ

# We will be using ``barray`` for this example so you should have ``numpy``
# installed.

from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
import dman
from dman.numeric import barray
from dman import tui
import numpy as np

# turn of logging

By default a barray object is not serializable:

array = np.arange(3).view(barray)
ser = dman.serialize(array)
tui.print_json(dman.sjson.dumps(ser, indent=4))
  "_ser__type": "__unserializable",
  "_ser__content": {
    "type": "barray",
    "info": "Unserializable type: barray."

Note how dman does not throw an error here. This is to make sure that as much data is serialized as possible. You can turn on validation by setting dman.params.serialize.validate=True. Further details are provided in

Contexts will also be useful for storing purposes. They specify the directory in which files should be stored during serialization. To make sure a storable can be serialized it should be wrapped in a record. This interface has a the following features:

  • File names and extensions can be specified manually or created automatically.

  • Sub folders can be specified.

  • Reading the object from file can be delayed until the content is accessed.

The most basic usage is as follows:

tdir = TemporaryDirectory()
base =
ctx = dman.Context.from_directory(base)
rec = dman.record(array)
ser = dman.serialize(rec, context=ctx)
tui.print_json(dman.sjson.dumps(ser, indent=4))
  "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
  "_ser__content": {
    "target": "8aa9fac7-f0b9-4462-a4e5-4cf81acf8966.npy",
    "sto_type": "_num__barray"

You can see that the result of serialization now provides a pointer to the file where the array is stored. We can see that the file exists:

πŸ“‚ /tmp/tmp5k2r9725
┗━━ πŸ“„ 8aa9fac7-f0b9-4462-a4e5-4cf81acf8966.npy (152 bytes)

And we can load its content again

rec = dman.deserialize(ser, context=ctx)
Record(UL[_num__barray], target=8aa9fac7-f0b9-4462-a4e5-4cf81acf8966.npy)

Note how the record specifies that it contains a _num__barray which is the name for the storable type. However it also specifies UL implying that the file has not been loaded. We can load it by accessing the content field:

array = rec.content
[0 1 2]
Record(_num__barray, target=8aa9fac7-f0b9-4462-a4e5-4cf81acf8966.npy)

Now the record no longer specifies that the content is unloaded. Also observe that the file name is still the same as the one specified in the original record. This means that when serializing again the old file will be overwritten instead of creating a new one. We can also remove the file:

dman.remove(rec, context=ctx)
tdir.cleanup()   # clean temporary directory
πŸ“‚ /tmp/tmp5k2r9725

It is possible to be more precise when specifying a record. To give an overview of the options available when creating a record we provide its documentation:

dman.record(content: ~typing.Any, /, *, stem: str = <dman.core.path._Auto object>, suffix: str = <dman.core.path._Auto object>, name: str = <dman.core.path._Auto object>, subdir: ~os.PathLike = '', preload: str = False)[source]
Wrap a storable object in a serializable record.

The target path is specified as:

  • ./subdir/stem+suffix or

  • ./subdir/name.

  • content – The storable object.

  • stem (str) – The stem of a file.

  • suffix (str) – The suffix or extension of the file (e.g. '.json').

  • name (str) – The full name of the file.

  • subdir (str) – The subdirectory in which to store te file.

  • preload (bool) – When True the file will be loaded during deserialization.


ValueError – if a name and a stem and/or suffix are specified.

The way file names are specified is left flexible for internal use, but is hence somewhat complex. We list examples below.





stem='test', suffix='.txt'




name='test.txt', subdir='dir'


name='test.txt', stem='test', suffix='.txt'


More details are provided in Mounting and Targets, where targets are introduced.


It is also possible to automatically determine the suffix based on the class.

class ManualFile:
    __ext__ = '.obj'

So if only a stem=test is specified the target will automatically become test.obj. If a suffix is specified anyway, then the one specified through __ext__ is overridden.

When a storable is automatically created from a dataclass or a serializable the suffix will be set to .json by default.


Be careful specifying the stem of a file. It often makes sense to omit it and leave the selection up to the record. That way you will not accidentally re-use existing files. When a file is re-used, dman can automatically handle this when configured to do so or, by default, it gives a warning. See Mounting and Targets for details.


Sometimes storable objects can create more than one file. The types provided by dman that do so are referred to as models. See Model Types for examples.

The files created by these models should also be stored somewhere. Their path is determined relative to the root storable. This process is handled by the context. As we will illustrate below:

class Feedback:
    def __write__(self, path: str, context):
    def __read__(cls, path: str):
        return cls()

_ = dman.serialize(dman.record(Feedback(), subdir='folder'), context=ctx)

As you can see the context received in the __write__ method now keeps track of the subfolder. Hence any further serializations happen relative to it.

We can keep going:

class SubSerialize:
    def __write__(self, path: str, context):
        dman.serialize(dman.record(Feedback(), subdir='folder2'), context=context)
    def __read__(cls, path: str):
        return cls()

_ = dman.serialize(dman.record(SubSerialize(), subdir='folder'), context=ctx)

This is used inside of model types to determine the file paths. We will not go into much more detail here and instead refer to Model Types.

Whenever you create additional files you should also add a __remove__ method. See the end of Defining Storables for more details on this topic.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.016 seconds)

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