Mounting and Targets

To keep track of files internally dman has some custom path specifications.


Internally dman specifies paths through mount points and targets. A mount point determines the root of the file tree that is constructed during serialization, while targets are used to specify the positions of files within this tree defined relative to the current directory.

We will operate in a temporary directory for the purpose of this example. To do so we need to make sure it contains a .dman subfolder. Usually you can create one by executing dman init in your terminal. We do so using get_root_path() here.

import os, subprocess, textwrap
import dman
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

# Create a temporary directory and change our directory to it.
tmp = TemporaryDirectory()

# Create the ``.dman`` folder.
# This is identical to calling ``dman init`` in terminal.

Mount points

We begin with introducing mount points. The signature of the dman.mount() method will appear often when using dman so we begin with discussing it in detail, before showing other functionalities provided by mount points.


A mount point is specified from some base directory, which usually is a .dman folder, located above the current working directory in the file tree (similarly to how a .git folder is located). For the purposes of this example we use the temporary directory created above.


We can break up the path into three parts.

  • <temporary dir>/.dman` is the base directory, outputted by get_root_path().

  • cache/example4_path` is referred to as the generator.

  • object` is the key of the specific file tree being operated on.

These match the arguments of mount().

dman.mount(key: str = '', *, subdir: PathLike = '', cluster: bool = True, generator: Optional[str] = None, base: Optional[PathLike] = None, gitignore: bool = True)[source]
Get the mount point where a file with the given key is stored by dman.

The path of the file is determined as described below.

If the files are clustered then the path is <base>/<generator>/<subdir>/<key>/<key>.<ext> If cluster is set to False then the path is <base>/<generator>/<subdir>/<key>.<ext>

When base is not provided then it is set to .dman if it does not exist an exception is raised.

When generator is not provided it will automatically be set based on the location of the script relative to the .dman folder (again raising an exception if it is not found). For example if the script is located in <project-root>/examples/folder/ and .dman is located in <project-root>/.dman. Then generator is set to cache/examples:folder:script (i.e. the / is replaced by : in the output).

See Mounting and Targets for detailed examples on how to create and use mount points.

  • key (str, optional) – Key for the file. Default '', so the generator folder is returned.

  • subdir (os.PathLike, optional) – Specifies optional subdirectory in generator folder. Defaults to “”.

  • cluster (bool, optional) – A subfolder key is automatically created when set to True. Defaults to True.

  • generator (str, optional) – Specifies the generator that created the file. Defaults to script label.

  • base (os.PathLike, optional) – Specifies the root folder. Defaults to “.dman”.

  • gitignore (bool, optional) – Specifies whether files added to this mount point should be ignored.

The most complex argument is the generator. Usually this is based on the path of the script relative to the root path containing .dman. We can illustrate this by first creating a script local to the temporary directory.

# Create script that prints the evaluation mount.
os.mkdir(os.path.join(, 'scripts'))
local = os.path.join(, 'scripts', '')
content = '''
import dman
with open(local, 'w') as f:

# We can then see what the new output of ``mount`` is.
out = subprocess.check_output(f'python {local}', shell=True)
print(str(out, 'utf-8'))

The other arguments are relatively straightforward. We provide some examples below

print('generator ...', dman.mount('object', generator='gen'))
print('base ........', dman.mount('object', base=os.path.join('home', 'user')))
print('subdir ......', dman.mount('object', subdir='folder'))
print('cluster .....', dman.mount('object', cluster=False))
generator ... /tmp/tmp3mgn0i04/.dman/gen/object
base ........ home/user/cache/example4_path/object
subdir ...... /tmp/tmp3mgn0i04/.dman/cache/example4_path/folder/object
cluster ..... /tmp/tmp3mgn0i04/.dman/cache/example4_path/

The final example, involving cluster, does not include the key and is thus equivalent to

print('cluster .....', dman.mount(''))
cluster ..... /tmp/tmp3mgn0i04/.dman/cache/example4_path/

The reason for this redundancy is to be consistent with save, load and track. There the key determines the file name and the default cluster=True means a dedicated directory is created for the file tree.

File IO

Next we show how mount can be used to edit and remove files automatically.

mnt = dman.mount('object', cluster=False)

# Write some text to a file.
with'howto.txt', 'w') as f:
        This is a book of bad ideas.
            At least, most of them are bad ideas. It's possible some
        good ones slipped through the cracks. If so, I apologize.

One useful feature of mount points is that they detect when files have been written to before. For example:

with'howto.txt', 'w') as f:
        This information was lost.

By default a warning is provided, but we can also raise an error

from dman.core.path import UserQuitException
    # set retouch action = 'quit'

    with'howto.txt', 'w') as f:
            This string will never be written.
except UserQuitException as e:
Attempted to write to target "howto.txt" twice during serialization.Operation exited by user.

Alternatively we can automatically increment the file name. = 'auto'

with'howto.txt', 'w') as f:
        This is a book of bad ideas.
            At least, most of them are bad ideas. It's possible some
        good ones slipped through the cracks. If so, I apologize.

You can also configure dman to prompt the user as follows: = 'prompt'

The default behavior can be recovered using: = 'ignore'

The final state of the

mnt.close(), show_content=True, show_hidden=True)
📂 /tmp/tmp3mgn0i04/.dman/cache/example4_path/
┣━━ 📄 .gitignore (42 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     .gitignore
┃     howto.txt
┃     howto0.txt
┃     howto1.txt
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ 📄 howto.txt (150 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     This is a book of bad ideas.
┃         At least, most of them are bad ideas. It's possible some
┃     good ones slipped through the cracks. If so, I apologize.
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ 📄 howto0.txt (28 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     This information was lost.
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ 📄 howto1.txt (150 bytes)

      This is a book of bad ideas.
          At least, most of them are bad ideas. It's possible some
      good ones slipped through the cracks. If so, I apologize.


Note that the edited files are also added to a .gitignore file automatically. You can add gitignore=False to your call of mnt to avoid this.

We can also remove files and they are removed from the .gitignore automatically.

mnt.close(), show_content=True, show_hidden=True)
📂 /tmp/tmp3mgn0i04/.dman/cache/example4_path/
┣━━ 📄 .gitignore (32 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     .gitignore
┃     howto0.txt
┃     howto1.txt
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ 📄 howto0.txt (28 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     This information was lost.
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ 📄 howto1.txt (150 bytes)

      This is a book of bad ideas.
          At least, most of them are bad ideas. It's possible some
      good ones slipped through the cracks. If so, I apologize.



For now we have been specifying paths relative to the mount point using strings. Internally dman used target to create these paths. It is useful to know about this since many higher-level methods use the same signature. str = <dman.core.path._Auto object>, suffix: str = <dman.core.path._Auto object>, name: str = <dman.core.path._Auto object>, subdir: str = '')[source]
Get a target path used for relative file definitions.

<subdir>/<stem>.<suffix> or <subdir>/<name>


ValueError – Both name and suffix or stem were provided.

We provide some examples here

print('a.','file', suffix='.obj'))
print('c.','file.obj', subdir='folder'))
a. file.obj
b. file.obj
c. folder/file.obj

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.275 seconds)

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