Numpy ExperimentsΒΆ

We provide a common use case with numpy and dman.


Consider the following simple code to compute least-squares estimates. We would like to run a batch experiment on this estimator to evaluate its performance for different sample sizes. While doing so we want to keep track of our data and how it was generated.

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr

def gather_data(
    nb_samples: int, *, std: float = 0.1, theta=None, rg: npr.Generator = None
    if rg is None:
        rg = npr.default_rng()
    if theta is None:
        theta = [0.5, 3]
    x = rg.uniform(0, 1, size=nb_samples)
    e = rg.standard_normal(size=nb_samples) * std
    y = theta[0] * x + theta[1] + e
    return (x, y)

def regressors(x: np.ndarray):
    return np.vstack([x, np.ones(len(x))]).T

x, y = gather_data(10)
th = np.linalg.lstsq(regressors(x), y, rcond=None)[0]

Experiment configurationΒΆ

First we need to somehow represent an experiment configuration.

import dman
from typing import Sequence

@dman.modelclass(name="model", storable=True)
class Model:
    """Linear model.
    Support storing in a file (storable=True)

    theta: Sequence[float] = (0.5, 3)
    std: float = 0.1

If we take a look at the serialization of Model we see that the result could be significantly more compact.

from dman import tui

  "_ser__type": "model",
  "_ser__content": {
    "theta": [
    "std": 0.1

The current serialization has been automatically generated by dman. Instead a custom serialization procedure can be specified.

import re

@dman.modelclass(name="model", storable=True)
class Model:
    """Linear model.
    Support storing in a file (storable=True)

    theta: Sequence[float] = (0.5, 3)
    std: float = 0.1

    def __serialize__(self):
        return f"Model(theta={str(list(self.theta))}, std={self.std})"

    def __deserialize__(cls, ser):
        pattern = r"Model\(theta=\[(?P<theta>[0-9., ]+)\], std=(?P<std>[0-9.]*)\)"
        m =, ser).groupdict()
        theta, std = m["theta"], m["std"]
        return cls([float(i) for i in theta.split(",")], float(std))

We can then create a gallery of models as follows:

gallery = dman.mdict(store_by_key=True, store_subdir=False)
        "default": Model(theta=(0.5, 3), std=0.1),
        "flat": Model(theta=(0, 1.0), std=0.1),
        "steep": Model(theta=(10.0, 0.0), std=0.1),
        "noisy": Model(theta=(0.5, 3), std=5.0),
)"__gallery", gallery, generator="gallery", cluster=False)
    dman.mount(key="", generator="gallery", cluster=False), show_content=True
πŸ“‚ .dman/gallery
┣━━ πŸ“„ __gallery.json (1.0 kB)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     {
┃       "_ser__type": "_ser__mdict",
┃       "_ser__content": {
┃         "store": {
┃           "default": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "target": "default.json",
┃               "sto_type": "model"
┃             }
┃           },
┃           "flat": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "target": "flat.json",
┃               "sto_type": "model"
┃             }
┃           },
┃           "steep": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "target": "steep.json",
┃               "sto_type": "model"
┃             }
┃           },
┃           "noisy": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "target": "noisy.json",
┃               "sto_type": "model"
┃             }
┃           }
┃         },
┃         "store_by_key": true
┃       }
┃     }
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ πŸ“„ default.json (32 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     "Model(theta=[0.5, 3], std=0.1)"
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ πŸ“„ flat.json (32 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     "Model(theta=[0, 1.0], std=0.1)"
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ πŸ“„ noisy.json (32 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     "Model(theta=[0.5, 3], std=5.0)"
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ πŸ“„ steep.json (35 bytes)
      "Model(theta=[10.0, 0.0], std=0.1)"

Models can then be loaded from the gallery as follows

def model(key: str):
    return dman.load("__gallery", generator="gallery", cluster=False)[key]

Model(theta=[0.5, 3.0], std=0.1)

Note that modelclass acts like a dataclass, but supports some additional field types. Some examples are given below.

# We specify that the field should be serialized (not stored)
# an alternative would be ``dman.field`` or ``dman.recordfield``
# in which case the model would be stored in a separate file
# from the configuration.
_model_field = dman.serializefield(default_factory=Model)

Comparable arrays (carray) provide some additional functionality when used in a modelclass especially useful in configuration classes. We specifically state that the array is of type integer and should be comparable. When assigning an array to the class, it will be converted automatically.

from dman.numeric import carray
@dman.modelclass(name="config", storable=True, compact=True)
class Configuration:
    """Experiment Configuration."""

    model: Model = _model_field
    nb_samples: carray[int] = dman.field(default_factory=lambda: np.logspace(1, 3, 20))
    nb_repeats: int = 1000
    seed: int = None

Note how we simply pass some logspace to nb_samples as default factory. The input there will be converted to (numpy) integers automatically. All types in dman.numeric – that is sarray, carray and barray can be typed similarly to how we do for carray here.

print("type of nb_samples:", type(Configuration().nb_samples[0]))
type of nb_samples: <class 'numpy.int64'>

We can also compare configurations (since we specified carray)

    "check for configs:",
    Configuration() == Configuration(nb_samples=np.logspace(1, 3, 20)),
    Configuration() == Configuration(nb_samples=np.logspace(2, 3, 20)),
check for configs: True False

Executing experimentsΒΆ

We can now define the experiment behavior. We can do so as follows:

from dataclasses import asdict

def execute(model: Model, nb_samples: int, *, rg: npr.Generator = None):
    x, y = gather_data(nb_samples, **asdict(model), rg=rg)
    th, res, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(regressors(x), y, rcond=None)
    return np.linalg.norm(th - model.theta, ord=2), res

# Specify the location of the data using a recordfield.
# The data will be stored in:
#   ./data/<key>.<suffix>
# for each (storable) key.
_data_field = dman.recordfield(
    default_factory=lambda: (dman.smdict(store_subdir=False, store_by_key=True)),

from dman.numeric import barray

@dman.modelclass(storable=True, compact=True)
class Experiment:
    """Experiment result."""

    model: Model = dman.serializefield()
    nb_samples: int
    nb_repeats: int
    data: dman.smdict = _data_field

    def generate(cls, cfg: Configuration, idx: int, *, verbose: bool = True):
        rg = npr.default_rng(cfg.seed)
        res = cls(
            model=cfg.model, nb_samples=cfg.nb_samples[idx], nb_repeats=cfg.nb_repeats
                "error": np.zeros((cfg.nb_repeats,)).view(barray),
                "residual": np.zeros((cfg.nb_repeats)).view(barray),

        _iter = range(cfg.nb_repeats)
        if verbose:
            _iter = tui.track(
                _iter, total=cfg.nb_repeats, description="Executing experiment ..."
        for i in _iter:
  ["error"][i],["residual"][i] = execute(
                cfg.model, cfg.nb_samples[idx], rg=rg
        return res

We can run one experiment:

exp = Experiment.generate(Configuration(nb_repeats=5), idx=0)"demo-modelclass", exp)
tui.walk_directory(dman.mount("demo-modelclass"), show_content=True)
Executing experiment ... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00
πŸ“‚ .dman/cache/examples:cases:example_numpy/demo-modelclass
┣━━ πŸ“‚ data
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ __data.json (453 bytes)
┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃     {
┃   ┃       "store": {
┃   ┃         "error": {
┃   ┃           "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃   ┃           "_ser__content": {
┃   ┃             "target": "error.npy",
┃   ┃             "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃           }
┃   ┃         },
┃   ┃         "residual": {
┃   ┃           "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃   ┃           "_ser__content": {
┃   ┃             "target": "residual.npy",
┃   ┃             "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃           }
┃   ┃         }
┃   ┃       },
┃   ┃       "store_by_key": true
┃   ┃     }
┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ error.npy (168 bytes)
┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ residual.npy (168 bytes)
┗━━ πŸ“„ demo-modelclass.json (275 bytes)
        "_ser__type": "Experiment",
        "_ser__content": {
          "model": "Model(theta=[0.5, 3], std=0.1)",
          "nb_samples": 10,
          "nb_repeats": 5,
          "data": {
            "target": "data/__data.json",
            "sto_type": "_sto__smdict"

The creation of the data dictionary is somewhat verbose. Instead we can again create a data modelclass

@dman.modelclass(store_by_field=True, storable=True, compact=True)
class DataItem:
    error: barray
    residual: barray

@dman.modelclass(storable=True, compact=True)
class Experiment:
    """Experiment result."""

    model: Model = dman.serializefield()  # Store the model in experiment json.
    nb_samples: int
    nb_repeats: int
    data: DataItem = dman.recordfield(stem='__data', subdir='data', default=None)

    def generate(cls, cfg: Configuration, idx: int, *, verbose: bool = True):
        rg = npr.default_rng(cfg.seed)
        res = cls(
            model=cfg.model, nb_samples=cfg.nb_samples[idx], nb_repeats=cfg.nb_repeats
        ) = DataItem(np.zeros((cfg.nb_repeats,)), np.zeros((cfg.nb_repeats)))
        _iter = range(cfg.nb_repeats)
        if verbose:
            _iter = tui.track(
                _iter, total=cfg.nb_repeats, description="Executing experiment ..."
        for i in _iter:
  [i],[i] = execute(
                cfg.model, cfg.nb_samples[idx], rg=rg
        return res

No need to convert to barray. We can again store the experiment:

exp = Experiment.generate(Configuration(nb_repeats=5), idx=0)"demo", exp)
tui.walk_directory(dman.mount("demo"), show_content=True)
Executing experiment ... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00
πŸ“‚ .dman/cache/examples:cases:example_numpy/demo
┣━━ πŸ“‚ data
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ __data.json (184 bytes)
┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃     {
┃   ┃       "error": {
┃   ┃         "target": "error.npy",
┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃       },
┃   ┃       "residual": {
┃   ┃         "target": "residual.npy",
┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃       }
┃   ┃     }
┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ error.npy (168 bytes)
┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ residual.npy (168 bytes)
┗━━ πŸ“„ demo.json (271 bytes)
        "_ser__type": "Experiment",
        "_ser__content": {
          "model": "Model(theta=[0.5, 3], std=0.1)",
          "nb_samples": 10,
          "nb_repeats": 5,
          "data": {
            "target": "data/__data.json",
            "sto_type": "DataItem"

To store multiple experiments we can use a mruns object.

runs = dman.smruns(stem="experiment", subdir="experiments")
cfg = Configuration(model=model("flat"), nb_samples=[10, 100, 1000])
for i in tui.track(range(len(cfg.nb_samples)), total=len(cfg.nb_samples)):
    runs.append(Experiment.generate(cfg, idx=i, verbose=False))
    "experiment", dman.mdict.from_dict({"cfg": cfg, "experiments": runs}, store_by_key=True)
tui.walk_directory(dman.mount("experiment"), show_content=True)
Working... ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 100% 0:00:00
πŸ“‚ .dman/cache/examples:cases:example_numpy/experiment
┣━━ πŸ“‚ experiments
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“‚ experiment-0
┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“‚ data
┃   ┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ __data.json (184 bytes)
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃     {
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       "error": {
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "target": "error.npy",
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       },
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       "residual": {
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "target": "residual.npy",
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       }
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃     }
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ error.npy (8.1 kB)
┃   ┃   ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ residual.npy (8.1 kB)
┃   ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ experiment.json (187 bytes)
┃   ┃        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃         {
┃   ┃           "model": "Model(theta=[0.0, 1.0], std=0.1)",
┃   ┃           "nb_samples": 10,
┃   ┃           "nb_repeats": 1000,
┃   ┃           "data": {
┃   ┃             "target": "data/__data.json",
┃   ┃             "sto_type": "DataItem"
┃   ┃           }
┃   ┃         }
┃   ┃        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“‚ experiment-1
┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“‚ data
┃   ┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ __data.json (184 bytes)
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃     {
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       "error": {
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "target": "error.npy",
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       },
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       "residual": {
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "target": "residual.npy",
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃       }
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃     }
┃   ┃   ┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ error.npy (8.1 kB)
┃   ┃   ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ residual.npy (8.1 kB)
┃   ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ experiment.json (188 bytes)
┃   ┃        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃         {
┃   ┃           "model": "Model(theta=[0.0, 1.0], std=0.1)",
┃   ┃           "nb_samples": 100,
┃   ┃           "nb_repeats": 1000,
┃   ┃           "data": {
┃   ┃             "target": "data/__data.json",
┃   ┃             "sto_type": "DataItem"
┃   ┃           }
┃   ┃         }
┃   ┃        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┗━━ πŸ“‚ experiment-2
┃       ┣━━ πŸ“‚ data
┃       ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ __data.json (184 bytes)
┃       ┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃       ┃   ┃     {
┃       ┃   ┃       "error": {
┃       ┃   ┃         "target": "error.npy",
┃       ┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃       ┃   ┃       },
┃       ┃   ┃       "residual": {
┃       ┃   ┃         "target": "residual.npy",
┃       ┃   ┃         "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃       ┃   ┃       }
┃       ┃   ┃     }
┃       ┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃       ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ error.npy (8.1 kB)
┃       ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ residual.npy (8.1 kB)
┃       ┗━━ πŸ“„ experiment.json (189 bytes)
┃            ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃             {
┃               "model": "Model(theta=[0.0, 1.0], std=0.1)",
┃               "nb_samples": 1000,
┃               "nb_repeats": 1000,
┃               "data": {
┃                 "target": "data/__data.json",
┃                 "sto_type": "DataItem"
┃               }
┃             }
┃            ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ πŸ“„ cfg.json (140 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     {
┃       "model": "Model(theta=[0.0, 1.0], std=0.1)",
┃       "nb_samples": [
┃         10,
┃         100,
┃         1000
┃       ],
┃       "nb_repeats": 1000
┃     }
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ πŸ“„ experiment.json (581 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     {
┃       "_ser__type": "_ser__mdict",
┃       "_ser__content": {
┃         "store": {
┃           "cfg": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "target": "cfg.json",
┃               "sto_type": "config"
┃             }
┃           },
┃           "experiments": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "target": "experiments.json",
┃               "sto_type": "_sto__smruns"
┃             }
┃           }
┃         },
┃         "store_by_key": true
┃       }
┃     }
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ πŸ“„ experiments.json (755 bytes)
        "stem": "experiment",
        "run_count": 3,
        "store": [
            "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
            "_ser__content": {
              "target": "experiments/experiment-0/experiment.json",
              "sto_type": "Experiment"
            "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
            "_ser__content": {
              "target": "experiments/experiment-1/experiment.json",
              "sto_type": "Experiment"
            "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
            "_ser__content": {
              "target": "experiments/experiment-2/experiment.json",
              "sto_type": "Experiment"
        "subdir": "experiments"


It is always important to keep in mind how you defined your file hierarchy, especially when dealing with modelclasses. For example an instance of Experiment will always write the errors to ./data/error.npy. If you try to serialize two instances to the same folder therefore, the data will be overridden.

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.484 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery