SKLearn and SVMΒΆ

We apply dman to an example on SVM in the SK Learn package.

You can find the sklearn example this one is based on here. It considers a non-linear binary classification problem, which is solved using SVC with an RBF kernel. We will not go into details on the classification problem, but instead show how one can use dman to store the generated data.

We show the basic example code with some data-structures added already, which we will use later for storage.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import svm
import dman

class Config:
    nb_samples: int = 300
    resolution: int = 500
    seed: int = 0

class Samples:
    X: dman.barray = dman.recordfield(stem='x-samples', subdir='samples')
    Y: dman.barray = dman.recordfield(stem='y-samples', subdir='samples')

def generate_samples(cfg: Config):
    X = np.random.randn(cfg.nb_samples, 2)
    Y = np.logical_xor(X[:, 0] > 0, X[:, 1] > 0)
    return Samples(X, Y)

def build_figure(clf: svm.NuSVC, samples: Samples):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)

    # evaluate the fit
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-3, 3, 500), np.linspace(-3, 3, 500))
    Z = clf.decision_function(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)

    # show the result
        extent=(xx.min(), xx.max(), yy.min(), yy.max()),
    ax.contour(xx, yy, Z, levels=[0], linewidths=2, linestyles="dashed")
    ax.scatter(samples.X[:, 0], samples.X[:, 1], s=30, c=samples.Y,, edgecolors="k")
    ax.axis([-3, 3, -3, 3])
    return fig

We can then run the experiment and plot the result as follows

cfg = Config()
samples = generate_samples(cfg)
clf = svm.NuSVC(gamma="auto"), samples.Y)
build_figure(clf, samples)
example svm

To make the NuSVC instance serializable we use a template. Luckily the NuSVC` class is entirely defined by its __dict__.

class T_NuSVC:
    store: dman.mdict

    def __convert__(cls, other: svm.NuSVC):
        store = dman.mdict(store_by_key=True, subdir='svm-data')
        for k, v in other.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
                v = v.view(dman.numeric.barray)  # store as binary files
            store[k] = v
        return cls(store=store)

    def __de_convert__(self):
        res = svm.NuSVC()
        res.__dict__ = {k: v for k, v in}
        return res

dman.serializable(svm.NuSVC, template=T_NuSVC)

We create a data-type gathering everything together

class Result:
    cfg: Config = dman.recordfield(stem='config')
    samples: Samples = dman.recordfield(stem='samples', subdir='data')
    clf: svm.NuSVC = dman.recordfield(stem='svm', subdir='data')

And can then save the data as follows:

res = Result(cfg, samples, clf)
_ ='result', res)

The resulting file structure looks like:'result'), show_content=True)
πŸ“‚ .dman/cache/examples:cases:example_svm/result
┣━━ πŸ“‚ data
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“‚ samples
┃   ┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ x-samples.npy (4.9 kB)
┃   ┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ y-samples.npy (428 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ _dual_coef_.npy (1.4 kB)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ _intercept_.npy (136 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ _n_support.npy (136 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ _num_iter.npy (132 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ _probA.npy (128 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ _probB.npy (128 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ class_weight_.npy (144 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ classes_.npy (130 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ dual_coef_.npy (1.4 kB)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ intercept_.npy (136 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ n_iter_.npy (132 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ samples.json (360 bytes)
┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┃     {
┃   ┃       "X": {
┃   ┃         "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃   ┃         "_ser__content": {
┃   ┃           "target": "samples/x-samples.npy",
┃   ┃           "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃         }
┃   ┃       },
┃   ┃       "Y": {
┃   ┃         "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃   ┃         "_ser__content": {
┃   ┃           "target": "samples/y-samples.npy",
┃   ┃           "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃   ┃         }
┃   ┃       }
┃   ┃     }
┃   ┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ support_.npy (744 bytes)
┃   ┣━━ πŸ“„ support_vectors_.npy (2.6 kB)
┃   ┗━━ πŸ“„ svm.json (4.4 kB)
┃        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃         {
┃           "store": {
┃             "_ser__type": "_ser__mdict",
┃             "_ser__content": {
┃               "store": {
┃                 "decision_function_shape": "ovr",
┃                 "break_ties": false,
┃                 "kernel": "rbf",
┃                 "degree": 3,
┃                 "gamma": "auto",
┃                 "coef0": 0.0,
┃                 "tol": 0.001,
┃                 "C": 0.0,
┃                 "nu": 0.5,
┃                 "epsilon": 0.0,
┃                 "shrinking": true,
┃                 "probability": false,
┃                 "cache_size": 200,
┃                 "class_weight": null,
┃                 "verbose": false,
┃                 "max_iter": -1,
┃                 "random_state": null,
┃                 "_sparse": false,
┃                 "n_features_in_": 2,
┃                 "class_weight_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "class_weight_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "classes_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "classes_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "_gamma": 0.5,
┃                 "support_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "support_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "support_vectors_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "support_vectors_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "_n_support": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "_n_support.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "dual_coef_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "dual_coef_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "intercept_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "intercept_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "_probA": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "_probA.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "_probB": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "_probB.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "fit_status_": 0,
┃                 "_num_iter": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "_num_iter.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "shape_fit_": [
┃                   300,
┃                   2
┃                 ],
┃                 "_intercept_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "_intercept_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "_dual_coef_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "_dual_coef_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 },
┃                 "n_iter_": {
┃                   "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
┃                   "_ser__content": {
┃                     "target": "n_iter_.npy",
┃                     "sto_type": "_num__barray"
┃                   }
┃                 }
┃               },
┃               "subdir": "svm-data",
┃               "store_by_key": true
┃             }
┃           }
┃         }
┃        ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┣━━ πŸ“„ config.json (63 bytes)
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┃     {
┃       "nb_samples": 300,
┃       "resolution": 500,
┃       "seed": 0
┃     }
┃    ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
┗━━ πŸ“„ result.json (650 bytes)
        "_ser__type": "Result",
        "_ser__content": {
          "cfg": {
            "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
            "_ser__content": {
              "target": "config.json",
              "sto_type": "Config"
          "samples": {
            "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
            "_ser__content": {
              "target": "data/samples.json",
              "sto_type": "Samples"
          "clf": {
            "_ser__type": "_ser__record",
            "_ser__content": {
              "target": "data/svm.json",
              "sto_type": "NuSVC"

We can load the experiment and show the result once more

res = dman.load('result')
build_figure(res.clf, res.samples)
example svm

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 5.978 seconds)

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